
Browse articles offering practical, biblical guidance for pastors. From spiritual leadership to personal well-being, our prayer is that you’ll find both encouragement and the tools you need to thrive in your ministry journey.
a table filled with Thanksgiving food and surrounded by family and friends
Balancing Hospitality and Family at Thanksgiving
Caroline Newheiser
a pastor walks with his two pk children in a field
Shepherding Your PK Through Doubt
Abby Jo Thompson
a pastor dad carries two young kids through a field and watches his other child run up ahead
The Importance of Being a Dad First
Katie Faris
a pastor's daughter struggling with fear walks through a field of wheat at golden hour
Fearful PK, Faithful God
Abby Jo Thompson
a dad carries his pastor's kid with a kite on his shoulders as they walk through a meadow at golden hour
7 Reasons I'm Thankful for My Pastor Dad
Barnabas Piper
A photo of a grandmother and a grandfather reading a Bible with their grandkids. The body of Christ includes all ages with their gifts and abilities. Let's consider the importance of the grandparents among us.
Ideas to Encourage the Grandparents in Your Congregation
Caroline Newheiser
A homeschooling mom works with her young son on a lesson. It's back-to-school time. Or, in our case, it's back-to-homeschool. There's much to do, and it's good to remember why we do it all—for God's glory.
Back to Homeschool
Katie Faris
A photo of a fathers teaching his son to ride a bike down a road lined with trees.
What the Church Needs to Teach Fathers
Alex Montoya
Dad with two kids walking through a field
Four Lies Pastors Are Tempted to Believe About Fatherhood
Katie Faris
Family of 5 walking through the fields
Reflecting on Family Blessings
Marty Machowski
Cutting Through the Noise: How to Talk to Kids About Sin
Rush Witt
Father, mother, daughter, and dog running on the beach
The Mission of Mothering in Relation to the Mission of the Church
Jon Saunders